I came up with a list of things you can make with your shrinky dinks:
1. Pins
2. Tags
3. Rings
4. Charms
5. Earrings
6. Pendants
7. Keychains
So this morning I did a search on shrinky dink tutorials and found a few to share!
Here are the links:
Shrinky Dinks with Rubber Stamps (Rings)
Drawing Your Own Shrinky Dinks
Shrinky Dinks using your Printer (Digi Stamps) (Keychains)
Hand Drawn Shrinky Dinks (Pins)
Make sure to check out each tutorial for different tips and tricks!
There are also different types of paper, clear, white, frosted which will also create different looks! I can't wait to give this a try! Let me know if you have tried Shrinky Dinks using rubber stamps, digi stamps or just drawing!