2 Cute Ink Featured In Simply Cards & Papercraft Magazine + Free Digital Stamp Downloads Issue #1505/19/2016 I am SOOOOOO EXCITED to announce that 2 Cute Ink is Featured in Simply Cards and Papercraft Magazine! You can grab a digital copy of the magazine here! Plus you can download 4 FREE 2 Cute Ink Digital Stamps here in their download section! :) Below is a card featuring one of the FREE digi's "Celebration Penguin" created by Shani Thomas, which made it on the top cover of the magazine! woohoo! So make sure to grab your feeble digital stamps and share you creations in the 2 Cute Ink Digital Stamps Fan Group!
It is so sad to see how the world is treating one another and because of the recent attacks on Paris I wanted express how I feel with my art. So I drew this little mouse praying and sending prayers to paris. I stumbled across a facebook group called Cards for Paris and I thought this would be a great idea to make cards and send them to support Paris. So I hope you download this free digital stamp and maybe make something to share or even to send. I have provided a .jpg and a.png file :) Remember all same Terms of Use apply to free digital stamps.
Time is sure flying by! I am happy to release May's Freebie digital stamp today which is called May Flower! Just make sure you are signed up for the 2 cute ink newsletter it is that easy! I had fun coloring this flower and I hope you will too! :) Don't forget there is a special challenge in the 2 Cute Ink digital stamps Facebook group just for this May Flower Freebie!
I am excited to share April's Free Digital Stamp with you! It is of a cute little owl holding a tulip (Tulip Owl). I hope you enjoy this little owl and have fun creating something with him! :) All you need to do is sign up for the 2 Cute Ink newsletter! I would also love if you have a Facebook to share this post to spread the word :)
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Digital Stamps
January 2025
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