So yesterday I decided to draw a winter cardinal. I thought it would be fun to give him a scarf and make him look like he is keeping warm with all that snow! I love adding coloring to my sketches because I think it makes them come alive!
Today I decided to take a video while holding my iPhone and drawing lol! It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do because it was hard to keep the phone steady and draw. But I think I was able to do a decent job in creating a simple pumpkin to experiment more with shrink art paper. Now I just need to make a sheet of these pumpkins on the computer and then print out on shrink art paper and get to coloring. I may make a few smaller and a few bigger so I can see the shrinking sizes and have a guide. I plan on releasing this template guide a long with a tutorial in my etsy shop so you can then take any digital stamp and resize accordingly and learn how to use shrink art paper and digital stamps!
I REALLY had fun last night experimenting with shrink art paper and digital stamps. I figured out that you can print a digital stamp on shrink art paper! So I did just that and printed out a few designs and decided to color up my latest digi "fall pumpkin". I used prisma color pencils and also the prisma color scholar pencils to color him in. Over all I think he turned out great but next time I want to color with sharpie markers, maybe make him shrink a bit smaller and also put a hole in the actual stem of the pumpkin vs a hole above. I think dangle earrings would be cute to make don't you think? I can't wait to experiment more and today I actually drew up a simple pumpkin design to do experimenting with different sizes and coloring techniques. I just had to take a video of the pumpkin shrinking (you can see the video here), i think it is pretty cool how it does that. Oh and don't forget to follow my 2Cuteink Youtube channel for I plan to be posting more videos.
I am excited to share this cute new design with you called "Fall Pumpkin Digital Stamp". I had a fun time creating this design and I hope to create something cute later on today with this image! I am thinking about doing another video on how to ink a digital stamp in adobe ideas, but I need to find a better way to capture the video.
Did you know I am starting to use instagram more? Yes, I have started to add pictures and sketches and I forgot I should post some sketches here on my blog to. So last night I created this cute pumpkin scarecrow. He reminds me of a snowman but with pumpkins instead of snow! I really like his branch arms with leaves still on them, and I thought to give him a more fall look to add some big sunflowers by his side.
I have a super cute new digital stamp called Camel Apple Cutie. I don't know about you but I LOVE carmel apples. I thought it would be cute to give him a candy corn nose :). Make sure to hop on over to the
2 Cute Ink Challenge blog and see the Design Teams Creations and enter the challenge! Over the weekend I thought of a fresh new way to use digital stamps. I plan to do some experimenting this week and I am hoping it turns out! Carmel Apple Cute Digital Stamp is now available in my etsy shop and for a limited time at intro pricing $1.50 Just wanted to let everyone know that I am having a weekend sale! Did you know that you get emailed coupons 1 day earlier if you subscribe to Our Newsletter? Well I hope everyone has a good weekend, it is a beautiful day here and I hope to spend some of my day crafting!
So I finally sat down last night and started coloring again with Prisma Color Pencils and Gamsol. I wanted to make this princess look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I started with hair first, and actually added Tuscan Red in with the Brown and I really like how that turned out. I added some Gold in with the Yellow for the dress but I think it needs maybe some orange or brown to really make it pop! But over all I am happy how it turned out. Once I get more familiar with this technique I am hoping to create some videos :)
I am so excited to share my Anna Pony Digital Stamp today! Half way through drawing the Breast Cancer Awareness Pony I got an idea to create a Anna Pony. My sister LOVES the movie FROZEN and she talks about that movie all the time, I think I had Frozen on my brain plus the stripe I created in her hair made me think of Anna's hair. I wanted to give her really pretty eyes like Anna has in the movie and also picked up the symbol from her dress and put it as the pony "charm" on her back. I also did a different inking process with some line variation, it took a little longer to ink but I think it was worth it! I can't wait to try and color her with prisma color pencils :) Anna Pony Digital Stamp is now available in my 2 Cute Ink Etsy Shop.
So I had a REALLY fun time inking this cute little pony. As you know I designed this pony for Breast Cancer Awareness( but she could be use for all cancer awareness). I also was inspired to create some sentiments to go along with it :). I decided to make a stripe in her hair for I remember reading that people were dyeing a strand of their hair pink in honor of breast cancer awareness this month. Then I had this FANTASTIC idea… so I turned this pony into another character……Make sure to check back tomorrow to see who I turned her into! Breast Cancer Awareness Pony and Cancer Awareness Sentiments are now available in my 2 Cute Ink etsy shop!
Welcome!To the 2 Cute Ink Blog! Where I share my digi's, doodles, crafts and more! Under Construction
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Digital Stamps
January 2025
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